Las Vegas Bicycle Accidents Attorney

Las Vegas Bicycle Accidents Lawyers

Quite often, individuals throughout Las Vegas opt for bicycles as their main method of transportation. This type of travel is generally less expensive, safer, and quicker for short distance travels. Unfortunately, individuals on bicycles are still at risk of becoming the victim of an accident. If you or your child is injured in a bicycle accident, it is important that you contact a qualified personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.  At Aaron Law Group, we have more than 26 years of experience handling complicated and complex injury claims in Nevada.  We can help you too.

Bike Accident Statistics

Bicyclists are at an increased risk of suffering serious injuries during an accident. Like motorcyclists, bicyclists wear minimal protection and are usually left in a vulnerable condition.

Bicycle accidents involving motor vehicles are likely to be severe, catastrophic, or even fatal. Statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that 50,000 bicyclists were injured and over 600 were killed in the United States during 2009.

Despite these alarming numbers, bicyclists are often accused of being partially or entirely at fault of the accident. It is often extremely difficult to prove liability in these accidents; however, having a qualified attorney from the Aaron Law Group can ensure that you have the best chance to recover your losses.  Let us help you in your time of need. Our experts will work on your behalf to assess your case, conduct a thorough and accurate investigation, and preserve any evidence relative to your case that proves the automobile driver was negligent.

Nevada Bicycle Laws

The state of Nevada has established a set of laws pertaining to bicyclists and safe travel along roadways. Like all other travelers on the road, bicyclists are required to obey the same traffic rules and regulations. This includes traveling with the flow of traffic, navigating bikes appropriately, and turning in the same manner as motorists.

Because sharing the road can create a dangerous situation, there are several responsibilities and requirements in place under Nevada Revised Statutes §484B.270 to ensure the safety of bicyclists on the road.

Under this law, motorists on the roadway must:

  • Give an audible warning to bicyclists, with the vehicle’s horn, to avoid collision with bicyclists
  • Exercise due care to avoid collisions with bicyclists on the road
  • Not intentionally interfere with the movement of anyone lawfully riding on a bike
  • Not overtake or pass individuals on bicycles unless it is done safely and without endangering the    bicyclist
  • Yield the right-of-way to bicyclists
  • Not enter into, stand in, stop, park, or drive within any designated bike lanes
  • Not enter into or proceed through an intersection while within a bike lane

Although state laws are extremely clear, it is still a very difficult task to determine liability in accidents involving bicyclists and motor vehicles. As insurance companies become involved, they act quickly to shift blame away from the driver and onto the bicyclists in order to avoid paying victims what they legally deserve.

Having an exceptional legal representative from Aaron Law Group on your side can help you file a personal injury claim. Our experts work to make sure you are not held responsible for the accident and make sure you receive an adequate amount of compensation for your injuries.

Types Of Bicycle Accidents

Individuals riding on bicycles are not typically involved in accidents with other bicycles. Instead, they become vulnerable targets to motor vehicles on the roadway. Some leading causes of bicycle accidents are:

  • Drunk drivers
  • Distracted drivers
  • Speeding drivers
  • Car collisions

Aside from motorists, there are several other factors that can contribute to bicyclist accidents. These often include:

  • Potholes or improperly maintained roadways
  • Poorly maintained sidewalks
  • Collisions with fixed objects
  • Stray animals running in front of bicyclists
  • Speeding
  • Unclear bicycle lanes on the roadways

The most common place for bicycle accidents to occur is at intersections. Accidents are very likely when drivers pass bicyclists or turn in front of them without looking.

Although bicyclists have reflectors, helmets, and lights, it can still be difficult for drivers to see them. This is especially true at nighttime or in heavy traffic. Due to the limited protection bicycles provide riders, parties are at an increased risk of sustaining life-threatening injuries.  The extent of damage can range greatly for bicyclists, from abrasions or broken bones to spinal cord injuries or head trauma.

The Most Common Types Of Bicycle Accidents

It is critical for bicyclists to remain vigilant on the road with other vehicles. Sometimes, accidents involving motor vehicles are unavoidable despite the endless effort put forth by bicyclists to remain safe. Some of the most common accidents involving cyclists include:

Bicyclists being struck by motor vehicles making right-hand turns. This is one of the most common types of accidents involving a car and bicyclist. Drivers often fail to check the bicycle lanes for travelers before they turn at intersections.  When an automobile turns right, they often catch bicyclists off-guard, causing them to crash into the side of the vehicle. This can result in serious injury and a vehicle driver can be held responsible for their negligent actions.

Bicyclists struck on the roadway by vehicles making left-hand turns. Vehicles that fail to see oncoming bicyclists while turning left are not all too common, but they do happen. In these cases, the bicyclist is often traveling the direction opposite to the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle passes through the left lane but fails to observe oncoming bicycles traveling in the same direction. Bicyclists are often injured in these instances by being hit head-on by the vehicle, crashing into the side of the vehicle, or by swerving to miss the oncoming vehicle.

Bicyclists get rear-ended. Similar to multi-vehicle accidents, bicyclists can be rear-ended by motor vehicles on the roadway. This usually happens when vehicle drivers become distracted while driving. This is a common occurrence when drivers are messing with the radio or objects on their seats, texting, or talking on cell phones while behind the wheel.

Bicyclists are hit by vehicle doors while traveling down bike lanes. Although it may not seem too common, bicyclists can be victims of parked cars. “Dooring” is the term used to describe this unfortunate situation. Typically, this occurs when a bicyclist is traveling down the road and the occupant of a parked car opens the door directly into the bike lane. The bicyclist then crashes into the open door, sustaining injuries as a result.

Bicyclists involved in automobile-related accidents are likely to be ejected. This can result in severe or life-threatening injuries. It is important for anyone involved in any of these types of accidents to get immediate medical attention. Do not worry about anything else until all injuries are taken care of. Even if you do not notice any injuries, it is crucial for you to undergo a medical evaluation in case a delayed onset of injury occurs.  Then seek legal guidance from an experienced Las Vegas personal injury attorney.  The Aaron Law Group will provide you with aggressive representation to ensure that your rights are protected and to make sure that you get the compensation you deserve.

Some Common Questions About Bicycle Accidents

Individuals involved in bicycle accidents often have questions about their legal rights. Quite often, they are unsure of what options are available for them. For this reason, they tend to ask questions like:

What Should I Avoid Doing If I Am In An Accident?

If you are ever involved in a bicycle-related accident, refrain from posting images of your accident or injuries online. Do not provide any details to anyone on social media. Not only are your friends able to see these messages, but investigators are able to review the information as well and provide it to the defense. If there are any news posts about the accident, do not comment on it. Encourage friends and family members not to become involved in commenting or discussing any details on the case. Releasing any information to the public can have a negative impact on your chance of success in court.

How Common Are Bicycle Accidents In Nevada?

In Nevada, there are around 600 bicycle-related accidents each year with over 500 involved parties sustaining injury. These accidents are more likely to occur on Tuesday and Wednesday between the hours of 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM. Sundays see the fewest number of bike accidents. Although it is not as common to be involved in an accident on Sunday, or any other day, it is crucial for you to always be cautious while traveling on the roadway.

Are Bicyclists Required To Wear Helmets In Nevada?

Bicyclists are not required by law to wear helmets in Nevada. That being said, it is strongly encouraged for them to do so. Helmets may reduce the risk of head injuries in bicyclists by up to 85% when they are worn properly. Given that many accidents involving vehicles and bicycles involve an ejection, it is crucial to take as many precautions as possible to protect yourself against any possible injury.

What Happens If I Am Partially At Fault?

As a bicyclist, there may be times when you could be considered ‘at fault’ of an accident. In Nevada, we recognize a modified negligent rule that enables a plaintiff to recover compensation even if they are at fault, so long as they are less than 51% responsible for the accident. This can be challenging to argue, which is why it is crucial to have a reliable legal team on your side.

What Damages Are Recoverable?

The compensation amount received by injured bicyclists can vary greatly depending on the unique circumstances of each case. This often includes facts around the specific accident, the severity of the injuries sustained, the required recovery process, and the policy limits of the responsible party.

A lot of insurance companies are quite surprised to see bicycle accident lawyers include the costs for damaged or destroyed bicycles in their claim. They are even more surprised when they see the cost of the bike. Bicycles now can be very expensive, ranging from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars depending on the style, brand, and model. Bicycles involved in motor vehicle accidents are often damaged beyond repair. It only makes sense for responsible parties to pay for the destroyed bicycle.

It is important to have a skilled lawyer work on your behalf to ensure you receive all the compensation you are entitled to. Call the Aaron Law Group today to speak with qualified Las Vegas personal injury attorney about your bike accident and get a free claim evaluation.

Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You

If you are run over while riding on your bicycle, you may suffer catastrophic injuries and not know how to deal with the motor vehicle owners or their insurance companies. At the Aaron Law Group, we help injured parties obtain the compensation they deserve. We help clients across the state of Nevada by negotiating aggressively on their behalf. We often reject the unfair offers presented to clients and push a more realistic figure to cover their losses.

Sometimes, clients sustain life-altering injuries that require them to go through extensive therapy and numerous surgeries. Some injuries can cause partial or full amputation of limbs. It is crucial that the amounts offered during negotiations cover lost wages, medical expenses, and any major life changes that result from the injury.  Many people lose their lives in bicycle accidents every year.

When Children On Bicycles Are Involved In Accidents

In legal terms, children are not held to the same liability as adults on bicycles. Children are considered to have a lower level of judgment in comparison. For this reason, the standard of care that is applicable to adults is not able to be used against children who are less knowledgeable about the risks of their behavior.

Instead, the law places a very high burden on drivers who share a roadway with children on bicycles. Motorists are expected to be cautious at all times around children. They must be vigilant when driving through family neighborhoods, near schools, or near public parks. Speeding in any of these areas greatly increase the chance of a collision with a child on a bike. This type of action is taken very seriously in both civil and criminal courts throughout Nevada.

Aggressive Personal Injury Lawyers That Work Hard For Injured Bicyclists In Nevada

At the Aaron Law Group, we will work to pursue justice for your personal injury claim.  We have more than 26 years of legal experience handling complicated and complex wrongful death and personal injury claims in the state of Nevada.  If you have been injured or have lost a loved one who was riding on a bicycle that was struck by a motor vehicle, it is imperative for you to contact our team at the Aaron Law Group as soon as possible to schedule a free consultation. Our team will aggressively go after the compensation you deserve, so you can focus on your recovery.  Call us today at 702-550-1111 to discuss your claim.

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