Do You Need an Attorney After a Fender Bender?

Do You Need an Attorney After a Fender Bender?

After a car accident, you may be unsure about what you are supposed to do, especially if you were never in a crash before. There are those crashes that are catastrophic, and your resulting injuries preclude you from being able to take action. Then there are accidents that seem fairly minor, and while you may still feel shocked, you are able to function.

However, even when crashes happen that do not produce extensive property damages and clear injuries, that does not mean that it was not significant. Traffic accidents that take place at low speeds may, on the outside, look like your car only sustained trivial damage. You may also have felt the hit but do not feel immediately injured. Nevertheless, the actual destruction of your car and harm to your body may be much more serious than it initially seems.

Why You Should Speak with an Attorney After Fender Bender

Do You Need an Attorney After a Fender BenderAfter a car accident, it is not uncommon to experience symptoms of a physical injury within hours or days after your accident. You may think you were unharmed but in fact, you were actually seriously hurt. Failure to have your condition examined and diagnosed will mean you will go without treatment to heal properly. Also, if you do decide that you would like to file a personal injury claim for compensation and you have received delayed medical care, it may be harder to get the full amount of damages for the medical expenses you are owed.

The same is true for the damage to your car. While you may only see scratches or dents on the outside, the force of the impact may have done internal damage that you cannot see easily just by looking. Even if you give your car a good inspection, it may take a trained eye to detect problems. Should repairs need to be made but you neglect to do so, it could be a serious safety risk each time you drive it after your accident.

In Nevada, Clark County and the city of Las Vegas consistently report some of the highest numbers of vehicular crashes that happen in the state every year. The chances of a driver getting into a car accident in Las Vegas are considerable. And if at first glance a crash only seems to be a minor incident, the extent of the destruction may be much greater than you thought. Even a fender bender may warrant filing a personal injury claim for financial compensation.

Speak with a Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney Today

You may be unsure about what steps to take after a crash or if your accident is one that could benefit from filing a personal injury claim to recoup your damages. Speaking with an experienced attorney trained in personal injury law in Nevada can help clear things up and give you more direction. 

To meet with the Las Vegas car accident attorney at the Aaron Law Group during a free consultation where you can discuss your accident experience, please call (702) 550-1111. 

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