6 Reasons Why Las Vegas Pedestrian Accidents Happen

6 Reasons Why Las Vegas Pedestrian Accidents Happen

Las Vegas is a heavily traveled location that people all around the world visit for its many attractions and activities. Because of this, there is a large pedestrian population. Las Vegas’ bustling atmosphere lasts all day and night long putting pedestrians at high risk of being hit by a car. In fact, the Nevada Department of Transportation indicates that the hours between 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. are the riskiest time for pedestrians to be out and about. This timeframe is responsible for 70% of all deadly pedestrian accidents that are reported. Clark County routinely has the highest amount of pedestrian accidents than any other county in the state of Nevada. 

Pedestrians can suffer catastrophic injuries and death if they are hit by a car. But, pedestrians have rights after crashes and Nevada allows for pedestrians to file personal injury claims against negligent drivers that hit them and caused them harm. If you were hit by a car in Las Vegas, working with an attorney is beneficial because it can increase your ability to recover compensation for the damages you suffered. For more information, the Aaron Law Group has a Las Vegas pedestrian accident attorney that can help you with your claim.

Reasons Why Pedestrian Accidents Happen

6 Reasons Why Las Vegas Pedestrian Accidents HappenA Las Vegas pedestrian accident can happen at any time and for many reasons. The following are some of the most common ways that pedestrian accidents take place:

  1. Poor weather conditions can make it difficult for drivers to see pedestrians. Also, driving at night can diminish visibility. 
  2. Driving too fast for conditions or over the posted speed limit puts everyone at risk, including pedestrians. It is much harder to react and stop a car or maneuver it out of the way should a driver unexpectedly see a pedestrian.
  3. Distracted driving easily takes a driver’s attention and focus off of the roadway and anything can come about that can go unnoticed. There are many things that can lead to distracted driving. Distractions can include eating food, looking at the scenery around you, or using your handheld device to name a few. 
  4. Driving under the influence impairs a person’s judgment and vision. It also makes it much harder to react quickly and appropriately to changing situations.
  5. Not following the rules of the road like running red lights, can lead to a collision in an intersection. There are many busy intersections in Las Vegas. One of the most dangerous Las Vegas intersections is Flamingo Road and Pecos Road, which is said to be the deadliest in the city.
  6. New drivers that have little experience on the road and operating a motor vehicle are prone to making errors while driving such as hitting a pedestrian.

Speak with a Las Vegas Pedestrian Accident Attorney Today

The Las Vegas car accident attorney at the Aaron Law Group can help you get the compensation that you deserve if you have been hit and injured by a negligent driver. The Aaron Law Group offers free consultations, making it easy to meet and discuss your accident experience with a skilled attorney. Please call the Aaron Law Group today at (702) 550-1111 to schedule yours if you have been injured in a crash. 

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