Tag - What If I Find Out I’m Injured After Filing a Claim?

Delayed Onset Injuries After Car Accidents

Delayed Onset Injuries After Car Accidents

After a Nevada car accident, although you might feel fine, you shouldn’t assume you are. Due to shock, you might be severely injured yet be completely unaware of it; even after your initial rush of adrenaline wears off, you could still have injuries that don’t cause pain for hours, days, or weeks. Recognizing Late-Onset Injuries Many delayed onset injuries can be detected during a comprehensive medical examination, well before symptoms set in. You should always see a doctor on the day [...]

What If I Find Out I’m Injured After Filing a Claim?

What If I Find Out I’m Injured After Filing a Claim?

Car accidents can cause a variety of damages, but none quite so distressing as personal injuries, which can be felt for days, weeks, or even years after a crash. Everyone deserves compensation for their suffering, but if you only grow aware of your injuries after filing a claim with an insurance company, securing recoveries can become difficult. If you attempt to file for more damages after making your initial claim, insurance adjusters will often doubt the validity of your claim, [...]

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