Tag - General vs Specific vs Punitive Damages

The Taxability of Auto Accident Settlements

The Taxability of Auto Accident Settlements

After a car accident in Nevada, you’ll inevitably need some form of compensation for your losses. The extent of those losses, more commonly known as “damages,” is variable—you might only need a few hundred dollars to cover some basic repairs, or you might deserve a vast quantity of money to compensate you for extensive bills, suffering, or even the wrongful death of a loved one. Regardless, you’ll go through the claims process, and more than likely will reach a [...]

How Are Damages Distributed in Nevada Wrongful Death Cases?

How Are Damages Distributed in Nevada Wrongful Death Cases?

If you’ve lost a family member in a Nevada car accident, medical malpractice case, or another such incident, you can file a wrongful death claim for full compensation. To be specific, children and spouses/domestic partners have first priority on filing such a claim, followed by the parents of the decedent (deceased individual) if they have no children or spouses. Other individuals who are dependent on, but not qualified to be an heir to, the decedent (even if listed as [...]

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